We truly believe that every child can succeed in mathematics.
At Sikh Heritage Girls School, we want every child to fully understand the maths that they will use in their everyday lives: telling the time; using money in real-life situations, measuring in different contexts including mass (weight), length and capacity, and how the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are used in all areas of problem-solving. We focus on using mental strategies as a first resort and build up to using informal and formal written methods.
Maths Curriculum Intent
In terms of DELIVERING EQUITY, we envisage by the end of Year 6 that our pupils will have a deep understanding of number; be fluent in basic number skills including times tables; be able to use a range of mental and written methods to solve problems with the four operations; be able to see connections across different areas of the curriculum such as fractions, decimals and percentages; understand and use mathematical language and have the confidence to attempt mathematical problems. We strive to provide opportunities beyond the National Curriculum such as developing money sense right from the outset in Year 1 and embedding through initiatives such as ‘Money Days.’ STEM opportunities are regularly sought out to embed and apply maths skills into the curriculum.
Progressive layering of knowledge, embedded in long-term memory, scaffolds pupils to:
Develop a deep and secure understanding of the concept of number and numerical patterns
Ensure secure understanding of basic skills, including number bonds and times table facts
Use a range of jottings and strategies to support their mathematical processes
Understand and be able to use the appropriate mental and written methods for the four operations
Reinforce concepts taught in previous year groups before expanding upon them
Application of Conceptual Understanding – occurs when new information and ideas are incorporated into pupils’ existing knowledge through:
Choosing appropriate equipment, visual representations and /or mathematical facts to solve calculations
Applying a range of strategies and appropriate reasoning to solve mathematical problems in different contexts
Developing pupils’ abilities to spot and use patterns
Using mathematical talk and vocabulary accurately when problem-solving
Developing a love of maths
Maths Curriculum Implementation
To achieve our intent, our Maths curriculum will provide the following:
Adapted teaching to support pupils with additional needs, including English as an Additional Language
Work planned to challenge all pupils, regardless of their ability
A safe environment in lessons where mistakes are recognised as being part of the learning process
Hinge questions, used by teachers to adapt the lesson to the needs of the children
Regular repetition of skills, to enable learning to be stored in the long-term memory
Real-life situations, such as using money, time and measurement
Opportunities for concrete, pictorial and abstract learning across the school
Practical learning in both the indoor and outdoor classrooms
Our Mathematics Curriculum Map includes:
Calculation policies for each of the four operations show a progressive, sequential journey of knowledge, strategies and methods
Key vocabulary to be taught and modelled to support mathematical understanding
Maths frameworks, showing sequential learning and helping to identify, and therefore pre-empt misconceptions
Maths Curriculum Impact
Pupils enjoy the challenge of learning new mathematical skills and using these to problem-solve and reason in a range of mathematical contexts
Pupils show resilience when tackling a problem and have a range of strategies they can apply
Pupils are given opportunities to identify patterns and relationships in maths and can make connections across the different areas of maths
Pupils can apply their mathematical skills across a range of different curriculum subjects
Pupils understand and use a wide range of mathematical vocabulary
Pupils leave school having a range of mental and written strategies to apply to real-life math situations
Parents and carers will have a good understanding of how they can support maths at home
Our Curriculum
Our basic maths curriculum is based on the White Rose scheme and adopts their aim of developing a “new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths”. Our children are exposed to key concepts in different ways to allow them to develop their understanding and challenge their thinking. We use the ‘Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract’ approach in our maths lessons. Children explore concepts and ideas using a variety of concrete equipment including Numicon, diennes and place value counters, before moving onto pictorial representations of the maths and finally, completing abstract calculations, either mentally or using formal written methods. Please see our calculation policies for full details.