Choosing a school for your daughter is something that you will spend a great amount of time considering. There are so many things you are thinking about: will she be happy? Will she be challenged to do her best? Will she be treated kindly? Will she hold our Sikh values close?
At Sikh Heritage, we appreciate how precious our young girls are and we have a commitment to help them develop self-confidence, be leaders and showcase the beauty of Sikhi everywhere they go.
We are proud of the fact that our girls thrive in an environment that is focused on doing everything through love and kindness. Everyone who comes to visit us comments on the warmth they feel as they walk in through the front door.
Whilst children do not sit entrance tests prior to starting here, it is vital that we are the right fit for you and your family and we would love to spend time talking with you about our school.
We warmly invite you to come along and see our school for yourself: please call or email the school office to book a bespoke tour with the Headmistress or member of the team at 10am from Mondays through to Fridays, during term time.