Welcome to Sikh Heritage Girls School
The foundation of our school lies in the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and our Sikh heritage. We have a comprehensive approach to safeguarding, which is an integral part of every aspect of our school: everything we do is with our children at heart.
Our ambitious bilingual curriculum is designed to honour tradition while fostering excitement for the future world, equipping our children with the skills to become global citizens who can lead and inspire. We focus on lifelong learning with strong emphasis on spiritual, moral mental development, and resilience.
As a Sikh school, we nurture a deep love for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji alongside, a passion for learning. We take pride in developing our students into happy, confident, and independent Sikhs, ready to face the challenges of senior school and beyond.
Our mission is to raise our children to become mindstrong leaders who understand the value of hard work and remain lifelong learners. We aim for them to have a profound understanding of the teachings of Sikhi, through the practise of simran and seva as guided by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - using their knowledge to help the world around them.
Throughout their time at our school, we encourage children to cultivate proactive, positive family ties, which we believe are crucial for their cohesive development and achievement. Being a small school allows us to know each child thoroughly, ensuring they feel a sense of belonging amongst a school community who understands them.
We provide a nurturing environment where children and staff show courtesy and respect towards each other, both during learning and recreational activities. Our small school size ensures that every pupil is known, and their voice is heard and respected.
As a school, our collective aim for pupil progress is key: every child thrives - no matter their starting point.
You’re invited to our Open Days
You're invited to our Open Days
We are delighted to invite prospective families to our upcoming open mornings to discover more about Sikh Heritage Girls School.
Tours are available Monday to Friday from 10.30am.
Bespoke tours are available on request, please contact the school office at office@shgs.org.uk.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Our Vision
Using our Sikh faith and the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, we nurture our children to be proactive, ambitious and successful young people. They are equipped with a bank of skills to take on the challenges of an ever-changing world.
We are proud to be an English and Punjabi bilingual school where our children study and express themselves articulately in both languages.
Our staff create and deliver thoughtfully planned lessons that allow all children to make fantastic progress whilst ensuring that daily simran is a staple of our school diet. Our exciting enquiry-based curriculum sparks curiosity, creating opportunities for collaboration and independence, as well as inspiring a love for reading and further learning.
Our curriculum encourages opportunities for social and cultural enrichment as well as global citizenship. We work hard to create progressive and altruistic ties with both our local community and country and with schools and organisations across the world.
Our assessment data reflects our high ambitions and is used to showcase our achievements.
“We are an active school that encourages innovative teaching techniques: we learn outside the classroom as well as use traditional learning methods.”
Our Values & Ethos
ਸਵੈ ਜਾਗਰੂਕਤਾ
We are on a journey to know our mind
We work hard to achieve our goals
We keep going despite setbacks
We are not afraid to do the right thing
We mould ourselves to become better each day
We want our children to grow to become respectful individuals and curious learners who are resilient in the face of a challenge and have the ambition to reach their maximum potential.
At Sikh Heritage Girls School, we are a community and a family. We truly believe that we grow together and, as individuals and as a collective, all members of the school community are learning and developing all of the time. At Sikh Heritage, we are a community and a family. We believe that we grow together as individuals and as a collective- all the members of our school community are learning and developing all the time.
We are driven by a determination to do the best we can to prepare children for the community and the world in which they will grow up; to give them the knowledge, skills and values they will need to function effectively as local, national and global citizens in our ever-changing world.
Our commitment is to encourage all children to be:
successful learners who enjoy learning, make excellent progress and achieve
confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
trailblazing yet responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
At Sikh Heritage Girls School, we prepare our girls for academic success and further academia; yet we recognise that exam success and qualifications alone are not enough to prepare our children for adult life.
We understand that the right attitudes and attributes, such as confidence and ambition, resilience and respect, enthusiasm and curiosity, are just as important as academic and technical skills in enabling them to achieve success both in education and in employment. We aim for our children to leave Sikh Heritage being more independent, life-long learners who are confident risk-takers and respectful, aspirational members of the community.
Our Sikh faith inspires us to be the best that we can be and to do the best for not just ourselves but for those around us.
We want learning to be an enjoyable journey of discovery led by the children within a caring, supportive and stimulating environment. We ensure that all children are engaged, challenged and encouraged to reflect on their achievements and progress. The learning at Sikh Heritage fully understands that childhood is a very precious and vital part of life – and not just a waiting room for adulthood!