Design & Technology
Design and Technology (D&T) offers pupils the opportunity to explore the impact that new inventions have on our lives. It delves into how innovation has shaped and continues to influence the ever-changing world. It promotes creativity and curiosity, providing a way for pupils to begin to ask questions and work practically to find their own innovative solutions to design challenges.
D&T Curriculum Intent
In terms of ensuring equity and promoting daily meaningful progress, we envisage by the end of Year 6 that our pupils will be instilled with the confidence to challenge design models and products and be discerning, confident consumers of the many items they experience and use in real life. We want our pupils to ask; ‘Is this fit for purpose and if not, why not?’ This skill will support pupils in their transition to senior school education and life beyond.
Progressive layering of knowledge, embedded in long-term memory, scaffolds pupils to:
Develop their skills and knowledge across five key areas: structures, mechanisms, electrical systems, cooking and nutrition and textiles
Understand how to design purposeful, appealing products for different functions
Explore existing designs and understand how these things work
Plan and practise their ideas in different ways e.g., drawings, templates, and mock-ups
Use a range of tools to perform practical tasks
Select materials or components that are fit for purpose
Evaluate and learn from their own and existing products to make improvements
Application of Conceptual Understanding – occurs when new information and ideas are incorporated into pupils’ existing knowledge through:
Developing an appreciation of how technology shapes the way we live and nurturing a genuine interest in how it is embedded in our day-to-day lives
Understanding how a product is designed for a particular function
Exploring different practical methods, evaluating their effectiveness and identifying the best outcome
Increasing awareness of different tools and being able to select the correct tool for a particular job
Enhancing their understanding of materials to select the appropriate one that is fit for purpose
Developing the ability to reach clear conclusions and explain their findings, using this to make suggestions for improvements to the product
D&T Curriculum Implementation
To achieve our intent, our Design and Technology curriculum will provide the following:
A progressive, sequential journey of knowledge, skills, and concepts from Year 1 to Year 6, encompassing the depth and breadth of the D&T curriculum
Immersion in studies relating to design and technology in our everyday lives and the wider world
Opportunities to address potential cultural capital disadvantage
A focus on subject-specific vocabulary to equip pupils with the language to express their design and technology knowledge with precision and confidence
Explicit links with high-quality examples of products and design models provide contextual links and reinforce understanding of design and technology
Key outcomes, described as ‘sticky knowledge,’ which form the foundation of prior and subsequent learning
Higher-order, subject-specific questions to assess knowledge and understanding
Enhanced learning through memorable experiences and visiting experts
Adaptable approaches that enable all pupils opportunities to explore technology and experience success
Pre-teaching of vocabulary relating to design and technology for pupils with additional needs
Learning opportunities that heighten pupils’ awareness of the significance and impact of design and technology on the quality and experience of life in the 21st century
D&T Curriculum Impact
Pupils will have a curiosity about the world around them
They will be able to make informed, evaluative decisions about the products that they use
Pupils will understand that experimentation is an opportunity to develop ideas and that there is not always only one correct way to be innovative in design
They will have the skills and knowledge to select appropriate tools and materials, evaluating their choices
Pupils will develop confidence in recognising the effective implementation of design and technology and be able to make informed choices about products used in everyday life