
Fees are £5,200 per term, per child.

What is included in the fees

Unless set out in the fees list or otherwise notified to you, fees cover the normal curriculum together with most books and stationery.

What the fees do not include

We refer to any items charged to you in addition to the fees as extras e.g. public examination charges. Extras may also include but are not limited to, uniform, private music lessons, school trips and sports activities and equipment. Loss of school books or equipment or damage done by a pupil, other than fair wear and tear, will be charged as an extra.

Payment of Fees

Each term's fees are charged separately and the fees payable in respect of each term fall due for payment by you on the first day of that term. Each term's fees will be included in an invoice sent to you (or such other person(s) the school may have agreed separately shall pay the fees). The fees must be paid in full by cheque or bank transfer on or before the first day of the term to which the invoice relates. We may not allow the pupil to attend the school if you do not pay on time. The school may agree that the fees that are or will fall due in relation to any term can be paid in instalments. If we agree to do this, then the school and those responsible for paying those fees will agree the anticipated amount of instalments by which the deferred amount of each term's invoice is to be paid.

Payment of Extras

All extras, such as trips, clubs or equipment, must be paid in full as soon as practicable. The school is not responsible for any goods and services which are supplied by a third party via the school to the pupil or you.

Fees and Pupil’s Absence

Fees and extras will not normally be reduced, refunded or waived as a result of absence through sickness; or if a term is shortened or a vacation extended; or as a result of your child being required to study from home as a result of us providing educational services remotely for whatever reason; or if the pupil is released home after public examinations or otherwise before the normal end of term (including through study leave); or if a term is shorter than others (or shortened), or for any other

Fees do not include any diagnostic assessment and reports done by specialists e.g. dyslexia etc.

We do not currently offer a sibling discount

Please email for more information and payment plan options.